Is Handshake
Ready? Not Quite


We need more websites, not just splash pages.

Why would a browser vendor, VPN, or other service do the work and upkeep of integrating Handshake for a handful of functional websites? Unless they believe in the mission of Handshake, that’s not happening. To date, we only have NextDNS (firewall/VPN) doing just that.

A great way to encourage browser vendors, ISPs, and other portals for web access to integrate Handshake is to build on it. Don’t just talk about it, be about it.

Launch that blog you’ve been thinking about. Record that podcast you’ve been talking about. Build something for your personal friend group.

In some respects, Handshake is like Web 1.0; we’ve gotta fill it with dope sites and services. If you see something on Web 2 that used to be good and is now terrible…rebuild it in your image for Handshake.


Hosting websites and apps is complicated. While tutorials exist, Handshake lacks infrastucture and hosted solutions for the non‑technical folks who want to build and launch something. It should be trivial to launch a Wordpress site; or a wiki; or an eCommerce site.

There’s opportunity here to build hosting services for “normies.” Believe it or not, that accounts for most of the Handshake community.


Handshake resolution on systems requires an additional app or service, for every device you wish to visit Handshake content on. Broad first‑party support is sorely needed.

The community has stepped up though!
HNSNS (iOS), Bob Wallet (desktop), NextDNS (desktop), and Fingertip (desktop) are the most popular (and lightweight) resolvers.

Getting people to install software to visit “special websites” seems simple but is actually a tall order. Investigative journalists have no issue with downloading Tor and that’s because it serves a purpose.

Thus, Handshake’s purpose is quite simple: build compelling reasons for people to install a resolver. Build incredible experiences that are Handshake‑exclusive. Essentially: build dope shit.